test with a zoomed in map
This is currently buggy. the map starts zoomed in as selected, but then some logic for displaying the entire trip kicks in, while it shouldn't.
Posted by Sander 07:19 Comments (0)
Because sometimes waving a dead voodoo chicken around just doesn't cut it.
This is currently buggy. the map starts zoomed in as selected, but then some logic for displaying the entire trip kicks in, while it shouldn't.
Posted by Sander 07:19 Comments (0)
24.02.2004 - 27.02.2004
Backpacking trip 2003-2005
on Sander's travel map.
Created like this:
Linking back from the photo to the blog entry is however not possible.
You could consider instead linking to a stop on the map, e.g. https://www.travellerspoint.com/map/#/trip/16417/stop/17591, and giving dates to your blog entry (in the "Describes Travel From ... Until ..." fields) which match the date on the stop, which will cause a link back (and also a link to the stop at the top of the blog entry, see "View Backpacking trip 2003-2005 on Sander's travel map." at the top of this one.)
Images will similarly also show up on the map based on matching dates and location.
So, putting it all together, like this:
Created like this:
Posted by Sander 13:22 Tagged tag1 tag2 Comments (11)
Short text
Other short text
But two lines.
More short text
Posted by Sander 02:26 Comments (0)